Executive Leadership Team

Chuck Robbins Chuck Robbins on LinkedIn
Chair and Chief Executive Officer
Carrie Palin Carrie Palin on LinkedIn
SVP and Chief Marketing Officer
Dev Stahlkopf Dev Stahlkopf on LinkedIn
EVP and Chief Legal Officer
Eyal Dagan Eyal Dagan on LinkedIn
EVP, Strategic Projects
Francine Katsoudas Francine Katsoudas on LinkedIn
EVP and Chief People, Policy & Purpose Officer
Gary Steele Gary Steele on LinkedIn
President, Go-to-Market
Jeetu Patel Jeetu Patel on LinkedIn
EVP and General Manager, Security & Collaboration
Jonathan Davidson Jonathan Davidson on LinkedIn
EVP and General Manager, Cisco Networking
Liz Centoni Liz Centoni on LinkedIn
EVP and Chief Customer Experience Officer
Maria Poveromo Maria Poveromo on LinkedIn
SVP and Chief Communications Officer
Mark Patterson Mark Patterson on LinkedIn
EVP and Chief Strategy Officer
Martin Lund Martin Lund on LinkedIn
EVP, Common Hardware Group
Scott Herren Scott Herren on LinkedIn
EVP and Chief Financial Officer
Thimaya Subaiya Thimaya Subaiya on LinkedIn
EVP, Operations

Senior Leaders

Adele Trombetta
Alex Sapiz
SVP, Corporate Marketing
Alexandra Lopez Alexandra Lopez on LinkedIn
Chief Procurement Officer and SVP
Alistair Wildman Alistair Wildman on LinkedIn
Advisor to the Chief Customer Experience Officer
Andrew Ashton
SVP, Corporate Finance
Anthony Grieco Anthony Grieco on LinkedIn
SVP & Chief Security & Trust Officer
Anurag Dhingra Anurag Dhingra on LinkedIn
SVP/GM, Chief Product & Technology Officer, Collaboration Software
Aruna Ravichandran Aruna Ravichandran on LinkedIn
SVP & Chief Marketing & Customer Officer, Webex by Cisco
Benny Mikkelsen
SVP and General Manager, Coherent Products and Components (Acacia), Organization - Worldwide
Bill Gartner Bill Gartner on LinkedIn
SVP / GM Optical Systems and Optics Group
Bret Hull
SVP, Head of Meraki Engineering
Brian Maddox
SVP, Business Entity Finance
Brian Tippens Brian Tippens on LinkedIn
SVP and Chief Social Impact Officer
Buffy Ransom
SVP, Global CX Centers
Chris Heckscher Chris Heckscher on LinkedIn
SVP, Global Services and Software Sales
Christian Bigsby
SVP, Workplace Resources
Darren Pleasance Darren Pleasance on LinkedIn
SVP, Acceleration Center
Dave West Dave West on LinkedIn
SVP and President of Asia Pacific, Japan, and Greater China
David Ashley David Ashley on LinkedIn
SVP, Product Operations
Denise Shiffman
SVP, Strategic Innovation & Incubation
Derek Idemoto Derek Idemoto on LinkedIn
SVP, Corporate Development and Cisco Investments
Ed Paradise Ed Paradise on LinkedIn
SVP, Security & Trust Organization
Elaine Mason Elaine Mason on LinkedIn
SVP, Strategy, Development and Governance
Fletcher Previn Fletcher Previn on LinkedIn
SVP & Chief Information Officer
Gary DePreta Gary DePreta on LinkedIn
SVP, US Public Sector
Girish Parekh
SVP, Sales Finance
Greg Dorai
SVP/GM, Cisco Networking - Campus Connectivity
Guy Diedrich Guy Diedrich on LinkedIn
SVP & Global Innovation Officer, Country Digital Acceleration (CDA) & Cisco Networking Academy
Harry Caldwell
SVP, and General Manager, Cisco Customer Experience (CX), Americas
Jacqueline Guichelaar Jacqueline Guichelaar on LinkedIn
SVP & General Manager, Customer Experience, Asia Pacific, Japan, and Greater China
Javed Khan Javed Khan on LinkedIn
SVP/GM, Cisco Collaboration
Jeff Campbell Jeff Campbell on LinkedIn
SVP and Chief Government Strategy Officer
Jeremy Foster Jeremy Foster on LinkedIn
SVP and General Manager, Cisco Networking - Compute
Jessie Saini Jessie Saini on LinkedIn
SVP, Strategy and Planning Operations, Security & Collaboration
Jigna Shah
SVP, Commerce & Lifecycle Operations
John Kern
SVP, Supply Chain Operations
John Dorval
SVP, Americas Service Provider
John Wunder
SVP, Sales Acceleration
Jose Martinez Jose Martinez on LinkedIn
SVP, Customer Experience and Operations Finance
Kelly Jones Kelly Jones on LinkedIn
Chief People Officer
Kevin Wollenweber
SVP/GM, Cisco Networking – Data Center and Provider Connectivity
Kristen Nichols
SVP, CoS, COO, Cisco Networking
Lawrence Huang
SVP/GM, Cisco Networking Experiences - Meraki & Wireless
Leslie McKnew
SVP, Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory Affairs
Lynley Noviello Lynley Noviello on LinkedIn
SVP, Global Enterprise Sales
Marco De Martin
SVP, Global Supplier Management
Mary de Wysocki Mary de Wysocki on LinkedIn
SVP and Chief Sustainability Officer
Masum Mir
SVP/GM Cisco Networking: Provider Mobility
Morgan Teachworth
SVP, Cisco Wireless & Meraki Hardware
Nancy Scott
SVP, Legal & Deputy General Counsel
Nathan Jokel Nathan Jokel on LinkedIn
SVP, Corporate Strategy & Alliances
Nick Michaelides Nick Michaelides on LinkedIn
SVP, Americas Sales (Interim)
Nick Small
President, Cisco Capital
Oliver Tuszik
SVP & President, EMEA
Pastora Valero
SVP, International Government Affairs
Patrick Morrissey
SVP, Global Specialists
Raj Chopra
SVP & Chief Product Officer, Security Business Group
Ravi Chandrasekaran Ravi Chandrasekaran on LinkedIn
SVP, Catalyst Engineering
Rebecca Stone Rebecca Stone on LinkedIn
SVP, Customer Solutions Marketing
Rob Johnson
SVP, Global Taxation
Rodney Clark Rodney Clark on LinkedIn
SVP, Partnerships and Small & Medium Business
Roger Biscay
SVP, Corporate Treasurer and Head of Global Corporate Security
Ronak Desai
SVP & GM, Cisco Full-Stack Observability & AppDynamics
Scott Scheeler
SVP, Enterprise | Cloud Networking | UCS | IoT Hardware Engineering
Shailaja Shankar Shailaja Shankar on LinkedIn
SVP Engineering, Security Business Group
Snorre Kjesbu Snorre Kjesbu on LinkedIn
SVP & General Manager of Collaboration Devices
Srini Namineni Srini Namineni on LinkedIn
SVP, Strategic Growth Operations
Tadhg Bourke Tadhg Bourke on LinkedIn
SVP, People & Communities
Tara Seracka
SVP, Legal & Deputy General Counsel
Ted Kezios
SVP, People & Communities
Tim Coogan Tim Coogan on LinkedIn
SVP, US Commercial Sales
Tom Gillis Tom Gillis on LinkedIn
SVP and General Manager, Security Business Group
Vickie Wong
SVP and Chief Accounting Officer
Vijoy Pandey Vijoy Pandey on LinkedIn
SVP, Outshift by Cisco
Vikas Butaney
SVP / GM, Cloud, SD-WAN, and Industrial IoT Connectivity
Will Eatherton Will Eatherton on LinkedIn
SVP, Distributed Systems Engineering